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Welcome to beautiful Costa Rica where you can find natural rainforest Blue clay in the river beds or near the beach in certain areas! We hiked down to a waterfall in Dominicalito & my friend Bill (who knows his way around!) took me for a hike upstream in search of this local magical clay! The river was low which was perfect for checking out the layers in the river bed to find the right color & consistency. We had to dig for the finer clay with the right color at the bottom.

Some nano minerals found in the rainforest blue clay are Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Nickel, Boric Acid, Cobalt, Chromium, Cerium, Boron & Phosphorus!

Blue clay can be used for

- Facial Masks & Spot Treatments for Acne & Oily/Dry Skin

- Soothing Relief from Sun Burns and Bug Bites

- Sunscreen & Bug Repellent

- Cuts, Skin Rashes & Fungal Infections

- Rejuvenating, Tightening and Regenerating Skin Tissue

- Restoring & Softening Hair Follicles

- Skin Exfoliations & Tattoo Restoration

- Skin & Body Detoxifications to remove Heavy Metals

- Eye Inflammations & Teeth Whitening

We slathered up, let the clay mostly dry & then jumped in the waterfall pool to wash it all off! Our skin felt intstantly smooth & I noticed the redness of some bug bites was gone! I slept like a baby that night & work up to a clearer complexion!

There a lot of different types of clay out there- just pick an ethically sourced natural one with no additives & give yourself a clay facial 1-4 times a month! I got into clay masks using this brand HERE - I love both of these but especially the pink French rose clay.

Our skin is our biggest organ- it is so important to use natural products that are free from all chemicals & harsh detergents. Incorporating clay into your healthcare routine benefits your skin, liver, & even sleep!

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